Although raccoons are present throughout Vermont, they are prevalent in mixed woodlands and fields near water. They are highly adaptable to human behavior, and you can find them in urban and rural areas. For trapping raccoons legally, it is essential to know: Is it legal to trap and kill raccoons in Vermont?
Yes, it is legal to trap and kill raccoons in Vermont. According to Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, you can trap raccoons during the trapping season after getting a trapping license. If a raccoon cause damage to your property, you can kill it on your land during the open season.
If you want to know everything about raccoon trapping and hunting in Vermont, this article will give you all the legal ways to do so.
Is It Legal to Trap and Relocate Raccoons in Vermont?
Yes, you can trap raccoons after getting a legal permit from Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. However, if a raccoon destroys your garden and yard, you can kill it instead of relocating. To trap a raccoon legally, you must follow the below Vermont’s trapping laws:
- After getting a trapping license, you can trap raccoons from Oct.22 to Dec.31.
- According to Vermont Furbearer Hunting & trapping regulations, to get a trapping license, you must have a previous trapping license from any state.
- Further, if you possess a trapping license, you must submit an annual trapping report to Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department.
- If you want to trap raccoons on private land, you must have the approval of the landowner.
- You must check a trap that you use to capture raccoons once a year.
- Moreover, you cannot possess a raccoon if you trap it outside of its trapping season.
Is It Legal to Hunt Raccoons in Vermont?

Yes, it is legal to hunt raccoons in Vermont with a hunting license. According to Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, you can hunt raccoons by following the below guidelines:
- After getting a hunting license, you can hunt raccoons from Oct.8 to Dec.31.
- You can hunt raccoons on all private lands unless they have a poster of non-hunting sites.
- Although the landowner’s permission is not necessary to trap a raccoon, you should still take their consent to proceed further.
- You cannot use a laser light for hunting raccoons in Vermont.
- If you are with your dog during hunting, you can use a spotlight to locate a raccoon.
- You can hunt raccoons on your land without a hunting license if you are a resident of Vermont.
- In addition, if you are a part of the armed forces of Vermont, you can get a hunting license free of cost.
Laws Governing About Raccoon Trapping in Vermont
Although raccoons are animals of the forest, you can find them in every habitat of Vermont. As a furbearer, people trap raccoons for their fur. Sometimes, raccoons make their way to your home and destroy your lawns and crops. To preserve your property, Vermont has given the following laws to trap raccoons:
- First, you must have a resident and non-resident trapping license to trap raccoons.
- Keep in mind that you can trap raccoons only during the trapping season.
- You can use a body-gripping trap to trap raccoons in Vermont.
- For trapping raccoons in Vermont, it is illegal to use a foothold trap and snare.
- If you set a trap to capture raccoons on private land, it must have a tag with your name and address.
- You can use a body-gripping trap with a jaw spread of 8 inches.
- Moreover, you can trap a raccoon from its den by cutting and using mechanical devices.
Laws Governing About Raccoon Shootings in Vermont
In Vermont, people hunt or shoot raccoons for their furs. Their furs are beneficial in making coats and hats. However, with a hike in rabies in raccoons, people are concerned about their health. To do the safe shooting of raccoons, here are the must-follow rules:
- In Vermont, if a raccoon cause nuisance, you can kill it instead of relocating.
- In Vermont, raccoons come under the category of covered animals. You cannot kill or shoot such animals intentionally.
- If you are more than 15 years of age, you must have a hunting or combination license to shoot raccoons.
- After getting a shooting license, you can shoot raccoons within the State shooting range.
- You can shoot a raccoon with a firearm and shotgun having 0.22 caliber.
- During the hunting season, you can use artificial light to shoot a raccoon with a dog.
- Moreover, you cannot use tracers, fire ammunition, and explosive targets to shoot a raccoon.
How Can You Trap Raccoons in Vermont?

Raccoons are omnivores and can eat both plants and animals. They love to eat pet food as well as eggs and garbage. They become dangerous for you if they carry a vector of rabies disease. No matter whether you trap raccoons for their furs or to protect your property, you must remember the below-mentioned points:
- After obtaining a Vermont trapping license, you can trap raccoons using a body-gripping trap and a colony trap.
- You can use a body-gripping trap with a jaw spread of more than 8 inches unless you place it in water.
- In Vermont, you cannot trap raccoons with a snare, conibear trap, and foothold trap.
- During the trapping season, you must check the trap every calendar day.
- Additionally, a tag must be visible above the ice if you place a trap under the ice to catch raccoons.
- Moreover, you cannot use a poisonous mixture as bait to take raccoons.
How Can You Shoot and Hunt Raccoons in Vermont?

Raccoons colonize woodland and marshes in urban areas. They feast on birds, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. You can find them anywhere in your home and in yards near the water. In Vermont, you can shoot and hunt raccoons by obeying these rules:
- You can hunt or shoot raccoons during the hunting season after getting a hunting license.
- To protect yourself during hunting, you can wear a hunter-orange hat.
- You can shoot a raccoon with a handgun and rifle.
- In addition, you cannot use a machine gun with a capacity of over six magazines to shoot a raccoon.
- You can hunt or shoot a raccoon at any hour during the hunting season.
- While on a highway, you cannot use a spotlight or other artificial light to track a raccoon.
- If you are disabled, you can hunt or shoot raccoons from a boat or motor vehicle after getting a legal permit.
- Furthermore, you cannot hunt or shoot raccoons with a firearm, arrow, or bow while sitting in a motor vehicle.
In Vermont, raccoons are used to make a variety of items, including coats and hats. People often hunt them for food purposes. Along with these benefits, now people are more concerned about health issues as raccoons might be the source of rabies.
In addition, to get benefits from raccoons, it is necessary to trap or hunt them for your health and safety. The above guidelines will undoubtedly assist you in trapping and hunting raccoons in Vermont.
Above all, while hunting and trapping raccoons, you should be very careful, as the virus can infect you. So beware and let yourself and your property safe and soon from raccoons.