Raccoons are competitive annoyance pests since they have adapted well to living around people. They love to live in urban areas, but you can also see them in attics, shelters, and trash bins. Due to their irritating behavior, it is necessary to trap them. But, do you know? Is it legal to trap and kill raccoons in Arkansas?
Yes, it is legal to trap and kill raccoons in Arkansas. According to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC), you can trap any wild animal during daylight that causes damage to your property throughout the year. If you want to kill raccoons, you must have a depredation permit.
Although raccoons are cute creatures, their nuisance behavior compels you to trap or hunt them. In this article, you will learn about all the permitted methods of trapping or hunting raccoons in Arkansas.
Is It Legal to Trap and Relocate Raccoons in Arkansas?
Yes, you can trap raccoons in Arkansas only if you have a valid resident or non-resident trapping license to catch raccoons. According to AGFC, if you go for relocating a raccoon instead of killing it, you can set a live trap without a depredation permit. Keep in mind the following points while trapping or relocating a raccoon.
- If you are older than 16 years old inhabitant of Arkansas, you must have a valid resident trapping license.
- As an immigrant to Arkansas, you must have a non-resident trapping license to trap a raccoon.
- If you are a furbearer hunter, you must have a furbearer hunting or trapping license to trap raccoons.
- You can release raccoons unhurt within 24 hours, outside city bounds.
- Moreover, you can trap raccoons during sunrise and sunset from Nov 12 to Feb 28.
Is It Legal to Hunt Raccoons in Arkansas?
Yes, you can hunt raccoons in Arkansas throughout the year if you have a valid hunting license. According to furbearer hunting regulations of AGFC, you can hunt raccoons by the below guidelines:
- You can hunt raccoons during the day and night, however, you need a dog for night hunting.
- There is no daily limit for hunting raccoons in Arkansas.
- You can hunt raccoons throughout the state from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
- If you are more than 16 years of age furbearer hunter, you need a valid Arkansas hunting license to hunt a raccoon.
- Furthermore, you can not hunt raccoons at night with a shot size greater than No.T.
- If you wish to hunt raccoons to protect your pets, you can shoot or hunt raccoons around the day without a hunting license.
Laws Governing About Raccoon Trapping in Arkansas
Raccoons live all over Arkansas State. You can trap raccoons both for food or furs. In Arkansas, wearing a raccoon coat is a sign of status. It is necessary to trap or hunt raccoons to get their benefits. According to AGFC trapping regulations, you can trap raccoons under the following conditions:
- First, you must have either a resident or non-resident trapping license to trap raccoons legally.
- You can trap raccoons by setting a trap that must be checked within 72 hours.
- It is legal to trap raccoons during daylight all around the year.
- You can use a foothold or body grasping trap with a jaw spread of no more than 6 inches to trap raccoons.
- If you want to set a trap in water, you can use a foothold or body clasping trap with a jaw spread of no more than 8.5 inches.
- The traps you use to catch raccoons must have your name and address or driver’s license number.
Laws Governing About Raccoon Shootings in Arkansas
Raccoons become more harmful when they start hurting your domestic livestock or pets. As in other states of the United state, Arkansas shooting laws are not strict, but you have to stick to the following rules and regulations:
- You can shoot raccoons throughout the day if you have a valid hunting or shooting license.
- According to the AGFC predator control permit, if you wish to shoot raccoons to protect your pets, you do not need a permit to shoot them.
- However, for shooting raccoons at night to protect livestock, you must have a depredation permit.
- You can shoot raccoons only with a rimfire or shotgun having 0.22 caliber.
- During the hunting season, you can shoot or hunt raccoons without any daily limit.
- It is unlawful to kill raccoons with poison.
- You can also kill raccoons in Arkansas with the help of a CO2 chamber.
How Can You Trap Raccoons in Arkansas?
Raccoons can damage your buildings or property to create their nests or shells. To prevent your backyards and property from the harm of raccoons, you can trap them by obeying the Arkansas trapping regulations. Here are some of the legal ways that may help you to catch a raccoon:
- After getting a resident or non-resident trapping license, you can trap raccoons throughout the year.
- You can set a trap both in water and land to trap raccoons.
- For trapping on land, you can use a foothold, body-gripping, and a box trap to capture raccoons.
- You can trap a raccoon in water by setting a flat-jawed foothold trap and a box trap.
- In the way of public roads, you can not set a trap to catch raccoons.
- You can use allurements like fruits to lure raccoons toward traps.
How Can You Shoot and Hunt Raccoons in Arkansas?
Raccoons are wild furbearer animals in Arkansas. You can hunt or shoot raccoons, either for their furs or to protect your property and valuables. In Arkansas, after getting a resident or non-resident hunting license, you can hunt raccoons by following these tips:
- You are eligible for hunting or shooting raccoons at night if you have a depredation permit.
- Do not use a rimfire or shotgun to shoot raccoons if it has more than 0.22 caliber.
- At night, you can hunt raccoons by using dogs.
- If a raccoon cause problems by eating the eggs of birds or other domestic livestock, you can hunt or shoot them without a legal permit.
- You can shoot or hunt raccoons without a hunting license if they damage your property.
- Above all, if you are a professional raccoon hunter, you can sell furs after hunting raccoons.
Raccoons are adorable animals until they start wrecking your home or causing damage to your gardens and crops. There are different methods of trapping or hunting raccoons, but you can adapt only a legal way to get rid of them.
Arkansas has no strict boundaries for trapping or shooting raccoons, but you must adhere to them. The above article will give you all the essential and legal tips to keep raccoons out of your property.
Hopefully, you will be able to trap or hunt raccoons by following the above guidelines. If you find this material beneficial, tell us in the comment section below.