Bird mites are parasites that live on the bird’s skin and feed on its blood. After the bird dies, these mites crawl out and can move inside your home, creating an unhealthy environment. There are many different methods to kill bird mites from your home. So, does Lysol kill bird mites?
Yes, Lysol kills bird mites. In fact, Lysol is effective in eliminating many different types of mites. It is safe on all wood furniture, doors, windows, upholstery, carpets, and curtains. Spray the Lysol on the bird mite or its egg and then wipe clean the surface after a few minutes.
Continue reading the article to find more detail on how to use Lysol to get rid of bird mites. For more information, I have discussed in this article does alcohol kill mites.
What Is Lysol?
Lysol is a disinfectant solution made of Alkyl Dimethyl, Benzyl Ammonium Sacchariante, ethanol, and antiseptic ingredient like Isopropyl alcohol. The active ingredient of Lysol is benzalkonium chloride which acts as an antiseptic agent.
Ethanol and isopropyl alcohol in Lysol act as the sanitizing agent to remove odor, and the microbicide agent is Benzyl Ammonium Sacchariante. Lysol kills more than ninety percent of germs, including bacteria, viruses, mites, and mold.
It sanitizes soft surfaces like carpets, toys, and bags. Lysol also helps to control and prevent mold and mildew. Recent research has shown positive results in removing coronaviruses from household surfaces using Lysol. However, Lysol is toxic to pet animals, even with parasitic infections.
How To Use Lysol To Kill Bird Mites?

Regular cleaning of the house keeps the insects and germs away. However, bird mite infestation can happen from a nest or dead bird inside your home.
Killing bird mites with Lysol is simple and easy. However, take care of your hands by wearing gloves.
Follow the steps below to eliminate bird mites from your house.
- Clean the desired surface.
- Then spray the Lysol for at least three seconds on the desired surface. Lysol is safe to use on hard and soft furniture. Soft surfaces like couches, mattresses, blankets, carpets, and curtains must remain wet for ten minutes, while hard surfaces like wood furniture should remain wet for three minutes.
- Let the Lysol spray dry for five minutes or until the mite stops moving.
- Then using a cloth or a wipe, clean the surface to remove dead mites and their eggs.
- Repeat it on all the mites you see around the house. Use it regularly on all surfaces to eliminate bird mite infestation.
Will Lysol Spray Kill Mites?

Lysol spray can kill birds and dust mites. It contains benzalkonium chloride and isopropyl alcohol which are effective in killing mites.
The ingredients in Lysol will kill mites mainly by two mechanisms, damaging the essential proteins and breaking the cell membrane.
It disrupts the physical structure of the cell membrane or outer surface by reducing the bi-layer stability, causing an increase in ion permeability.
That eventually leads to the complete dissolving of the outer membrane. Lysol attacks amino acids that are the vital constituent of the proteins and eventually leads to denaturing proteins by altering their shape.
Therefore, it is toxic to the human eye and skin and causes severe irritation to sensitive skin.
How Do You Make Homemade Lysol?

You can make natural Lysol using things available at your home. It is a cheap and basic recipe for a solution similar to the commercial Lysol but safer and does not irritate the human skin.
Homemade Lysol solution eliminates more than ninety percent of germs on hard and soft surfaces and is used similarly to a commercial Lysol.
To make homemade Lysol, follow the steps below.
- Take a five hundred ml spray bottle and pour 110 ml of distilled water.
- Pour three ml of hydrogen peroxide into the distilled water.
- Then add 40 to 45 drops of essential oil to the solution. You can use any essential oil of your choice, including peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, clove, orange, cinnamon, and tea tree.
- Shake the spray bottle for two to three minutes. Your homemade Lysol solution is ready.
Now you can use it on furniture, upholstery, bags, floors, carpets, and curtains. Spray the homemade Lysol on the mite, wait for twenty minutes or until it stops moving, then clean the surface using a wipe.
Will Rubbing Alcohol Kill Bird Mites?

Yes, rubbing alcohol and isopropyl can kill bird mites. You can make a bird mite-killing solution at home using a few available ingredients.
- Take an equal quantity of 91% rubbing alcohol and vinegar. Mix these in a spray bottle and add a few drops of bleach to it.
- You can use this solution on all types of surfaces. Simply spray the alcohol solution on the bird mite and wait a few minutes for the chemical to work. Thoroughly clean the surface with a disinfectant wipe.
- Bleach in the solution can cause color fading on the fabric. Therefore, substitute bleach with essential oil to use the alcohol solution on the carpet, curtains, or couches.
Does Disinfectant Spray Kill Bird Mites?

Not all disinfectant sprays can kill mites. Most disinfectants contain chemicals that can only kill bacteria and viruses and are not strong enough to kill mites or other insects. I have also discussed in this article whether can vaseline kills mites.
The essential ingredients to kill mites are Permethrin and Deltamethrin, Alcohol, acids, and hydrogen peroxide. Permethrin and deltamethrin are essential insecticide ingredients and show a hundred percent result in removing mites.
However, Lysol is effective in killing mites and other insects like bed bugs as it contains active chemical constituents like ammonium Sacchariante and isopropyl that will kill mites within a few minutes.
How Long Will Bird Mites Live In A House?
Bird mites cannot live more than three weeks without host blood. Generally, sources of bird mite infestation in houses are nests and dead birds. They can enter the home through gaps in doors and windows, vents, attics, or roofs.
Bird mites enter the home in search of a host. Therefore, it puts your pets at a high risk of mite infection. Bird mites can bite humans but cannot survive on human blood.
Neither bird mite can live long inside furniture and other surfaces. Without a host, bird mites cannot complete their life cycle. Therefore, the infestation will last only a couple of weeks.
According to the researcher Mohammad Ghahri, the Dermanyssus genus of bird mites can live inside homes for four to five months without a blood meal.
They hide in the cracks, fissures, and other dark corners. Dermanyssus bite causes serve itching and rashes in humans.
How Do You Get Rid Of Bird Mites In Bedding?

Bird mites cannot live on the human body, but they can bite humans and cause severe itching and red bumps.
Mite infestation in the home is uncomfortable, especially when they find a way inside your bedding which can lead to sleeplessness and itching all over the body.
To remove bird mites from bedding, vacuum all the items, including the mattress and comforter. After a thorough vacuuming, spray the bird mite killer of your choice.
You can use Lysol, insecticide, or homemade mite killer. Wait for at least thirty minutes and vacuum the bedding to remove all the dead mites and their eggs. Wash the bedding with detergent and disinfectant.
Repeat this regularly to achieve the best results.
Bird mites’ infestation causes a lot of problems in homes. There are many different sprays available to kill bird mites, but there are also cheap and successful options.
Lysol is a disinfectant that eliminates bird mite infestation as it contains the chemical required to kill the mites. An active ingredient of Lysol is Benzyl Ammonium Sacchariante.
Lysol also contains alcohol. Together these ingredients disrupt the cell membrane and damage the essential proteins of mites. Lysol is safe to use on all things and surfaces. You can also make bird mite killer at home using a few available ingredients.